Buy Generic Viagra Online Without Prescription

Buy Generic Viagra online from Pharmacy Over the Counter

The trend to buy Viagra online over the counter to treat erectile dysfunction emerged a few years ago. Men with ED drew attention to copies of brand-name drugs - generics. The switch to an analogue has not affected the quality of sexual life, but it has significantly reduced costs.

The biggest demand among medicines in this group is for generic Viagra. The drug does not require you to spend significant amounts and will help get rid of erectile dysfunction of any severity.

Drug name:

Generic Viagra (Sildenafil)

Active ingredient:


For sale:

Viagra over the counter

Available doses:

25mg, 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, 200mg

How to use:

Take 1 pill 30-60 minutes before intercourse

Generic Viagra cost per pill:

$0.48 - $2.65

Duration of action:

4-6 hours

Best alternative:

Generic Cialis, Generic Levitra

What is generic Viagra?

Generic Viagra is a copy of the original medicine Pfizer Viagra. Medicines are identical in composition. The analogue contains the active ingredient sildenafil and a number of auxiliary components:

  • croscarmellose sodium
  • microcrystalline cellulose
  • lactose
  • calcium hydrophosphate
  • magnesium stearate
  • film coating.

The effects on the body do not differ either. They activate blood flow in the pelvic organs and provide a stable erection. The effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

Fans of the brand drug who try to buy cheap generic Viagra in the US do not feel the difference. Medicines differ only in price.

What is generic Viagra used for?

Blue generic Viagra pills are used for disorders associated with a decrease in the quality of erection. The drug improves erectile function and provides a normal reaction of the body to sexual excitement. After taking the pill, you will not experience difficulties in engaging in sexual intercourse.

The drug copes with intimate problems, regardless of the cause of their occurrence. Generic Viagra for sale is prescribed for erectile dysfunction caused by impaired blood supply to the genitals, neurological diseases, bad habits, taking medications and obesity. The drug is also used for psychological reasons:

  • stress
  • self-doubt
  • quarrel with a partner
  • mental trauma
  • lack of adequate rest and others.

Men often buy generic Viagra without prescription to improve their performance. The little blue pill helps to maintain an erection after orgasm, which allows you to have sex several times in a row without interruption.

How to use Generic Viagra for best results

When using generic Viagra, the following rules should be followed:

Take the pill 45 to 60 minutes before sexual intercourse. This is so much time that the medicine must ensure the occurrence of a strong erection.

Do not combine the medicine with grapefruit and natural grapefruit juice.

Do not take Viagra with other sexual enhancers.

Do not grind the tablet and always take the medicine with water.

Good advice: before using Generic Viagra, do not eat a lot of fatty foods. Heavier digestive products reduce the speed of the medicine. Instead of 45-60 minutes, you will have to wait about an hour and a half for an erection.

Generic Viagra dosage

In online pharmacies, generic Viagra is sold in two dosages: 50 mg and 100 mg. Tablets with the maximum amount of active ingredient are only used for severe forms of erectile dysfunction. Tablets are prescribed to those men who cannot achieve or save an erection until the end of the sexual act.

Generic Viagra 100 mg is more popular. The drug covers a wide range of conditions: from a slight decrease in penile density to a delayed response to sexual arousal. Sometimes the drug helps in severe sexual disorders, especially impotence.

Men who have not used any drugs to increase potency so far had better order Generic Viagra 50 mg as well. Due to the moderate active ingredient content, the body will soon get used to the effect of the drug.

How does Generic Viagra work?

The main active ingredient in Generic Viagra is sildenafil, which partially blocks the action of phosphodiesterase-5. After ingestion of the active ingredient in the body, the level of cyclic guanosine monophosphate increases and active digestion of nitric oxide begins. The chemical reaction causes the vessels of the penis to expand and fill with blood. An erection appears only in response to natural stimulation. While you do not experience sexual desire, the penis remains in a quiescent state.

How effective is Generic Viagra?

The drug is considered one of the most effective ways to manage erectile dysfunction. If you are given the Viagra pill for men, you can achieve sexual readiness 70-80% of the time. If you don't want to rely on luck in bed, buy generic 100mg Viagra online and you're guaranteed results.

Generic Viagra cost

Our aim is not to get the maximum profit from a customer, but to get more regular customers. That is why Online Pharmacy has refused to mediate for cooperation with the official representatives of pharmaceutical companies. This allowed us to set low prices for all medicines.

There are permanent discounts for bulk buyers in the pharmacy. Online pharmacy offer the most favorable conditions for ordering medicines in the USA and Canada. The price of cheapgeneric Viagra is from $0.48 per pill.

Where to buy generic Viagra over the counter?

Compared to local pharmacies, online shops have many advantages:

  • Cheaper medicines. Online pharmacies do not need large staff and a few rooms to rent. Low costs make it unnecessary to overestimate the value of the goods.
  • You save your time. You can check the availability of the medicine and order it from your PC or mobile device. You don't have to adjust to the pharmacy's work schedule. We ensure quick delivery to any convenient location.
  • Anonymity. No one will know about your health problems.

The popularity of online pharmacies is growing steadily. Every year thousands of people discover the advantages of buying medicines online. Try placing an order at Online Pharmacy and you will no longer want to use the services of physical pharmacies.

Who should not take Viagra

Generic Viagra is not intended for women. The drug can cause severe side effects. To avoid endangering your health, you should not use sexual stimulants for men.

It is also forbidden to take Generic Viagra to people under 18 years of age. The effects of the drug on the growing body can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Generic Viagra and alcohol

Generic Viagra can be taken with a small amount of alcohol. During the action of the drug allowed to drink 50-100 grams of strong alcohol. Exceeding this dose will cause side effects.

When you buy Viagra online in the US, you do not have to change your habits. The right combination of medicine with alcohol will not harm your health.

Can you drive a car after taking Generic Viagra?

Men who are prone to side effects should not drive after taking Generic Viagra. Dizziness, decreased visual clarity and a change in color perception caused by the drug make driving unsafe. It is also necessary to refrain from work that requires increased concentration.

With a normal response to a drug, driving a car and other vehicles is permitted. In most cases, Generic Viagra does not affect reflexes and coordination of movements.

Side effects

Men who take Generic Viagra are most often concerned about the headache and the feeling of heat in the face. Side effects occur in about 10% of cases and happen independently after 1-3 hours. If the symptoms are severe, you can be treated symptomatically.

Only 3% of users experience other side effects:

  • nasal congestion
  • dyspepsia
  • dizziness
  • myalgia
  • allergic reactions;
  • change in colour perception and decreased vision.

Very rarely after taking the drug, there is an uncontrolled erection (priapism) that lasts for several hours. If you do not go to hospital in time, you may damage the penile vessels. A side effect occurs in 0.01% of cases.

What to do if Viagra does not work

About 10% of men are immune to the effects of sildenafil. Taking Generic Viagra will not help them achieve an erection and have sexual intercourse. However, other ED medications may give the desired result and help manage erectile dysfunction.

Generic Viagra 25 mg may not work for severe sexual dysfunction. Men with impotence should take the drug at the maximum dosage.

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